Properties listed in BC interior

$ 1,800,000
Gas bar with liquor store, General Store and RV Park (22 sites) Property in Interior BC. Great sales and Profit. As [more]
$ 3,850,000
Really good Hotel and restaurant with great location. Busy town. Located at city centre. Gas, LNG project and also [more]
$ 2,500,000
Gas Station, Convenience Store and Liquor store.  
$ 3,000,000
Gas Station, Convenience store and Liquor Store with Property Great business with geed income.
$ 2,900,000
Esso Gas station with Property. Gas station, Pizza store, Convenience store. Very lucrative business with property. [more]
$ 2,300,000
Gas Station in BC. Near Kamloops. Gas Station, Convenience with KFC. Including Property 4 years old station. Good l [more]
$ 4,000,000
This is for investment. Tenants with Property. Tim Horton or Gas Station or 7- Eleven with Property. Good cap rate. [more]
$ 6,500,000
Brand New under construction. To be completed this year. Tenants are 7 Eleven and Tim Horton. 5% Cap. Good location [more]
$ 4,300,000
Brand new Property. Corner location. Lot: $26,000sqft. Famous Franchise Tenant. 7 Eleven with Car Wash. Long term l [more]
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